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From: "." <diversity@snma.org>

Date: Mon, Jan 31, 2022 at 10:53 AM

Subject: Fw: Recruiting for UAB MHRT

To: "baillee.cooper@tufts.edu" <baillee.cooper@tufts.edu>, Destiney Kirby <destiney.kirby@einsteinmed.org>, Brianne Jennings <brianne.jennings@my.rfums.org>, Ramael Osasogie Ohiomoba <ramael.ohiomoba@northwestern.edu>, "." <yic@uwm.edu>, "Nunnery, Alexander Malcom" <alexander.nunnery@utdallas.edu>, paulina awuah <pawuah@student.touro.edu>, wbestma1 <wbestma1@binghamton.edu>, Uche Ononuju <uononuju@med.wayne.edu>, "." <lapelusa.2@wright.edu>, Derian Taylor <derian.taylor@health.slu.edu>, Camila Napuri '21 <cnapuri@colgate.edu>, "Nelson, Christina" <christina.nelson2@quinnipiac.edu>, "Nichols, Whitney L." <wlnichols@quinnipiac.edu>, Czarina Jimenez <jimen204@umn.edu>, ASHLEY JENNIE SCOTT <ajscott6@wisc.edu>, "Benitez Iglesias, Maria" <mb296418@ohio.edu>, "Dada, Adedoyin G" <adada7@uic.edu>, Abel Lopez <al49@geneseo.edu>, "James, Edleda Maria" <ejames3@uic.edu>, "." <kjohnson306@student.gsu.edu>, Jenny Romero <jennifer.l.romero@cuanschutz.edu>, Peace Nosa-Omorogiuwa <pen003@jefferson.edu>, SofiaHebel50 <sofiahebel50@gmail.com>, "dana.allison" <dana.allison@med.uvm.edu>, "a.igbokidi" <a.igbokidi@tcu.edu>, Shivansh R Pandey <pande138@umn.edu>, "Vincent, Regine Hilary Leopoldine" <regvince@iu.edu>, "Shorter, Alexius" <alexius.shorter@kysu.edu>, Amran A Nur <nurxx058@umn.edu>, Cherita Moore <cm8817@pcom.edu>, "Hamilton,Brianna" <bsh59@drexel.edu>, Bibi Chaterpateah <bchaterpateah@fordham.edu>, "Asha S. Farquhar" <afarquhar@fordham.edu>, Nikita Sheeley <nsheeley@bulldogs.aamu.edu>, aworix47 <aworix47@siumed.edu>, chiroper <chiroper@iu.edu>, aakeeb <aakeeb@bison.howard.edu>, malcolmsnowlin <malcolmsnowlin@gmail.com>, "Rogers, Vaughn A" <vaughn.rogers@tufts.edu>, "." <vekuta@ucsd.edu>, Kai Nia Holder <kai.holder@northwestern.edu>, adickson <adickson@qc.cuny.edu>, Christabel Amma Ameyaw Baah <cameyawbaah@unm.edu>, woldu013 <woldu013@umn.edu>, "." <meave.a.otieno.med@dartmouth.edu>, Cameo Hazlewood <cameo.hazlewood@jefferson.edu>, "Vrolijk, Michael" <michael.vrolijk@cuanschutz.edu>, "Boyce, Jenelle C" <jcb190002@utdallas.edu>, "sabrizooper@gmail.com" <sabrizooper@gmail.com>, "Nwakanma, Nmerichi Victoria" <nwakanm2@uic.edu>, cchude19 <cchude19@email.mmc.edu>, adoomes000 <adoomes000@citymail.cuny.edu>, "oofodike@ramapo.edu" <oofodike@ramapo.edu>, "gamaliel.taengwa" <gamaliel.taengwa@oakwood.edu>, Janya <janya@sas.upenn.edu>, wallac13 <wallac13@rowan.edu>, acostae <acostae@amc.edu>, scadiz19 <scadiz19@email.mmc.edu>, cpina3 <cpina3@pride.hofstra.edu>, "candice.passerella" <candice.passerella@bison.howard.edu>, "Gullo,Joy" <jgullo@uchc.edu>, britneyhoward <britneyhoward@students.aucmed.edu>, "." <henleye2@msu.edu>, adewalm <adewalm@amc.edu>, Brendalyn Iweh <brendalyn.iweh@ttuhsc.edu>, "George, Whitney" <whitney.george@vanderbilt.edu>, Jada Berry '24 <jberry@colgate.edu>, Rabraham <rabraham@som.geisinger.edu>, mehern582 <mehern582@gmail.com>, "ij.mordi" <ij.mordi@gmail.com>, "sdairo.sd25@gmail.com" <sdairo.sd25@gmail.com>, "gewilson@umc.edu" <gewilson@umc.edu>, "Rinderknecht, Fatuma-Ayaan" <fatuma-ayaan.rinderknecht@ucsf.edu>, "sofiachernet@gwu.edu" <sofiachernet@gwu.edu>, "carolyn.cook" <carolyn.cook@my.rfums.org>, Moje Omoruan <omoruanm@upstate.edu>, SNMA Physician Researcher Initiative <pri@snma.org>, "dm3574@drexel.edu" <dm3574@drexel.edu>, "saswatha.anireddy@mybcom.org" <saswatha.anireddy@mybcom.org>, "mtangu@nwhealth.edu" <mtangu@nwhealth.edu>, "Schweinsberg, Mikayla L" <schweinm@oregonstate.edu>, "Sands Foster, Alesha" <asandsfoster@liberty.edu>, "noahgthomas1995@gmail.com" <noahgthomas1995@gmail.com>, Mayyadah Muhammad <mayyadahmuhammad@yahoo.com>, "mdhernan@fiu.edu" <mdhernan@fiu.edu>, "jmoss20@email.mmc.edu" <jmoss20@email.mmc.edu>, "kendall.free" <kendall.free@protonmail.com>, "." <quenton.bubb@gmail.com>, Kanesha Humphrey <kanesha.humphrey@oakwood.edu>, "jin.mauricio@mayo.edu" <jin.mauricio@mayo.edu>, "." <mytien.nguyen@yale.edu>, angiewoods22 <angiewoods22@gmail.com>, Lindsey Ayanruoh <lindsey.ayanruoh@downstate.edu>, iojo345 <iojo345@gmail.com>, "White, Kristen" <kjwhite@buffalo.edu>, tg7949 <tg7949@pcom.edu>, Chris George <region9rrl@snma.org>, Daniel Tshala <region1rrl@snma.org>, Samiya Diawara <region2rrl@snma.org>, Charleston West <region3rrl@snma.org>, Region 4 Research Liaison <region4rrl@snma.org>, Ashley Williams <region5rrl@snma.org>, Region 6 Research Liaison <region6rrl@snma.org>, Meave Otieno <region7rrl@snma.org>, Region 8 Research Liaison <region8rrl@snma.org>, Region 10 Research Liaison <region10rrl@snma.org>, Stafford Brown <brownsg@evms.edu>, "moje.omoruan@gmail.com" <moje.omoruan@gmail.com>, "ericaross4@yahoo.com" <ericaross4@yahoo.com>, Janee Perry <jperry2@sgu.edu>, Jean Raimondi <jeancraimondi@gmail.com>, Tiana Clemons <clemonsltiana@gmail.com>, "Nwade, Nina" <nina.nwade@bison.howard.edu>, zazai owens <zazaiowens@yahoo.com>, Adriana Rhodes <adrianasrhodes@gmail.com>, Odele Karen <odele.ok@gmail.com>, Jalen Warren <jalenlwarren@gmail.com>, "Warren, Jalen" <jw690816@ohio.edu>, Nikisha Campbell <ncampbe2@sgu.edu>, and "elizabeth.a.thompson94" <elizabeth.a.thompson94@gmail.com>

Happy Monday DRC,
Please see the attachment and the email below for an amazing research opportunity.

Yours in SNMA,

Antonio Igbokidi
MD Candidate 2024 | TCU & UNTHSC School of Medicine
Student National Medical Association, Inc.
Diversity Research Co-Chair 2021-2022
Diversity@snma.org | www.snma.org
Jamal Moss​
MD Candidate 2023 | Meharry Medical College
Student National Medical Association, Inc.
Diversity Research Co-Chair 2021-2022
Diversity@snma.org | www.snma.org

Megan Sharpe
MD Candidate 2024 | Case Western University Reserve School of Medicine
Student National Medical Association, Inc.
Diversity Research Co-Vice Chair 2021-2022
Diversity@snma.org | www.snma.org

Kendall Free
Tokyo Medical and Dental University
Student National Medical Association, Inc.
Diversity Research Co-Vice Chair 2021-2022
Diversity@snma.org | www.snma.org

Christopher George
MD Candidate 2022 | Suny Downstate School of Medicine.
Student National Medical Association, Inc.
Diversity Research Co-Vice Chair 2021-2022
Diversity@snma.org | www.snma.org**


Join us in Orlando, Florida for our 58th Anniversary, Annual Medical Education Conference, from April 13 – April 17th, 2022! #AMEC #AMEC2022

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From: National President <president@snma.org>
Sent: Monday, January 31, 2022 12:50 PM
To: Diversity Research Committee Co-Chair <diversity@snma.org>
Subject: FW: Recruiting for UAB MHRT
 Great Research Opportunity! Please share with your channels! Best,Chantel ThompsonNational President, 2021-22Student National Medical Association From: Nancy Joseph <njoseph85@hotmail.com>
Date: Sunday, January 30, 2022 at 4:44 PM
To: National President <president@snma.org>
Subject: FW: Recruiting for UAB MHRT

Hello, I hope I am reaching the SNMA president. My name is Nancy Joseph. I am currently an allergy/Immunology attending and member of the NMA. There is a great opportunity that I have been made aware of, and I thought the SNMA audience would be a great place to share it. I was given this email by a colleague who is familiar with the SNMA leadership.  Please see below for info on the program and let me know if you have any questions.   Sincerely, Nancy Joseph, DOAllergist/Immunologist Njoseph85@hotmail.com   ———— Original message ————From: Donaldson Conserve <dxc341@gmail.com>Date: 1/29/22 11:47 PM (GMT-05:00)To: nancy joseph <njoseph85@hotmail.com>Subject: Recruiting for UAB MHRT Dear Nancy, I hope you’re doing well. I would like to share that we are recruiting for underrepresented undergraduate and graduate students interested in gaining global health research experience as part of the UAB MHRT program (see below and attached for more information to share).  Best,Donaldson   The Minority Health Research Training (MHRT) Program is funded by the National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities, National Institutes of Health, and has been in existence at UAB since 1995. The program provides training for 10-14 undergraduate, post-baccalaureate, graduate, or pre-doctoral students in Public Health/Biomedical Research at UAB and at world-renowned medical and research institutions in Africa (Tanzania, Kenya, Malawi, Cameroon), Asia (Nepal, Indonesia), Latin America (Peru), and the Caribbean (Jamaica). It provides students with a monthly stipend at the NIH rate for 3 months (usually mid-May to early August) while the students conduct research with MHRT mentors. It also pays airfare, vaccination and visa fees, living allowance and research expenses for students while they are on the field. After students conduct the research, they work with MHRT mentors in publishing the research in a peer-reviewed scientific journal and in presenting their work at a scientific conference paid by MHRT. The website for the program with eligibility criteria and the application form is https://sites.uab.edu/mhirt/. Mentors will need to submit a copy of their CV, the research protocol and IRB approvals from both the foreign and US ethical review committees. It will be good for you to recruit health disparity students from your institution and ask them to apply to the program as quickly as possible (a flyer is attached). Please let me know if you have questions. I have copied Ms. Sarah Franklin who is the Program Coordinator. I look forward to hearing from you.Sincerely,Pauline  Pauline Jolly, PhD, MPHProfessor EmeritaDirector, UAB Minority Health International Research Training ProgramRecipient, 2014 Ellen Gregg Ingalls/UAB National Alumni Society Award for Lifetime Achievement in Teaching2018 Fulbright Specialist Scholar, Institute of Public Health, Ho Chi Minh City, VietnamDepartment of Epidemiology | 217 Ryals Public Health Building1665 University BlvdTel: 205-934-1823Fax: 205-934-8665jollyp@uab.edu

 —  |     | — image |     | Donaldson F. Conserve, PhD
Associate Professor | Department of Prevention and Community Health
Milken Institute School of Public Health
The George Washington University

image— image |     | Donaldson F. Conserve, PhD
Associate Professor | Department of Prevention and Community Health
Milken Institute School of Public Health
The George Washington University

imageConfidentiality Notice – This message and any attachments are intended only for the addressee(s) named above, and may contain information that is confidential and/or privileged. Please delete immediately if you are not the intended addressee. Confidentiality Notice – This message and any attachments are intended only for the addressee(s) named above, and may contain information that is confidential and/or privileged. Please delete immediately if you are not the intended addressee.Confidentiality Notice – This message and any attachments are intended only for the addressee(s) named above, and may contain information that is confidential and/or privileged. Please delete immediately if you are not the intended addressee. image