Fwd: Re: Content Planning Meeting

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From: "🥼" <chris@insidetheboards.com>

Date: Thu, Feb 3, 2022 at 5:06 PM

Subject: Re: Content Planning Meeting

To: "" <andrewl@hey.com>

Hey Andrew I think I missed you on the calendar invite – I’m so sorry! Here is the zoom link if you’re able to join but no problem if not.

Christopher Breitigan
Creative Director
(419) 541-8813On Jan 27, 2022, 4:25 PM -0500, Andrew La'Pelusa <andrewl@hey.com>, wrote:

I’m in!

On January 27, 2022, "🥼" <chris@insidetheboards.com> wrote:

Hey Everyone, Madison and I are trying to schedule a meeting between everyone so we can coordinate content for the next few months. We’re tentatively looking at Feb 4, at 8pm EST/5pm PST which hopefully works for everyone’s time zones. If there’s too many conflicts we can see about moving it though. 


 Let me know if you can male it – I hope to see everyone there!


Christopher Breitigan

Creative Director


(419) 541-8813On Jan 26, 2022, 5:38 PM -0500, Andrew La'Pelusa <andrewl@hey.com>, wrote:


Hey Chris and Madison, I spoke with Dr. Beeman last week. He is fantastic. Glad to be apart of the team. Working on gathering content for the sleep medicine series. Will add to the google doc as I go. Also in contact with a possible guest. Will keep you updated. Thanks again for letting me join the team! 

Sidenote: there is a Safari/Firefox/Chrome Extension called Liner; it acts as a web browser highlighter and can automatically export that content to Slack; possibly make content sourcing easier?



On January 25, 2022, Chris Breitigan <chris@insidetheboards.com> wrote:

Hey guys, I Bcc’d everyone because I know people don’t always want their emails shared. I’ve included Madison here and we were hoping we could all possibly meet in the next week or so to plan/delegate content for the Study Smarter podcast and possibly our sleep series that we want to do.


 We use Slack a lot as a group (our other hosts such as Amy and Mariah are on there) and so I’ve included a link here to join if you would – no obligation but it’s very convenient to have everyone together.


 So please let us know (either email or slack if you join) what your availability looks like and we’ll see about getting everyone on a zoom sometime. Thank you!




Christopher Breitigan

Creative Director


(419) 541-8813